The Workout

The Workout- Monitoring Progress

Monitoring progress is essential for maintaining motivation and focus. While speed and distance are the commonly displayed measures on rowing machines, they fail to control the intensity of exercise, essential to targeting exercise objectives. As mentioned in the previous pages, the easiest way of controlling intensity is by monitoring heart rate. Resting heart rates are a good indication of fitness levels- as the user becomes more fit their resting heart rate should decrease as the heart gets stronger. When monitoring one’s resting heart rate be sure you are in the same position at the same time of day for each recording. If a heart rate monitor unavailable, heart rates can be monitored manually by counting the number of heart beats for a minute.

An alternative method of working out intensity is by analyzing the perceived level of exertion, or by breathlessness, this is calculated using Borg’s Ratings of Perceived Exertion.

One of the best ways to monitor progress is to keep records for comparison. Recording intensity as well as distance and time can provide the motivation to keep on rowing and improving. We have created a simple training log for your, most gyms will have their own formats, use.

At WaterRower we stress the importance of individual progress rather than trying to compete with other people of different age, fitness levels and goals. It is important to emphasize that progress is a very individual matter. Progress is not always a quantifiable element (such as distance achieved or time improvement) and may take the form of:

  • General feelings of well being
  • Increased levels of energy
  • Lower resting heart rates
  • Quicker recovery heart rates
  • Achieving goals i.e. weight loss
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The Workout – Heart Rate Training

Exercise intensity measured in terms of speed or distance is very subjective as it depends on the individual’s physiology, age, weight, sex, physical condition, etc. These measurements can also vary according to an individual’s tiredness, hydration, stress, and general well-being. The most convenient and accurate method of measuring how much work the body is doing is to monitor heart rate.

A highly effective method of training is achieved by setting a training intensity as a percentage of the maximum heart rate of the individual. A high intensity workout to one person may be a moderate intensity workout to another.

The maximum heart rate (MHR) corresponds to maximum aerobic output, and is based on the physiology and fitness level of the user. When measuring maximum heart rate, research has shown that results differ according to the type of exercise employed. For example, MHR on a treadmill is consistently 5-6 beats higher than on a bicycle ergometer and 2-3 beats higher than on a rowing ergometer.

The MHR can be estimated by using the age related formula:

Women: MHR = 226 – age

Men: MHR = 220 – age

A persons training heart rate can be determined using the Karvonen formula ;

Training Heart Rate = (Max Heart Rate – Resting Heart Rate x Desired Intensity + Resting Heart Rate)


A 40 year woman wanting to calculate her training heart rate for 60% intensity and she has a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minute (bpm). Her training heart rate will be as follows:

Training HR = 186 – 68 x 0.60 + 68

= 118 x 0.60 + 68

= 70.8 + 68

= 138.8 bpm (beats per minute)

You should treat this age adjusted formula as a guideline which is convenient for the purpose of training. However not all individuals will correspond to this guideline.

Using HR monitoring for Weight Maintenance

  • Aim to work between 60 – 70% of maximum heart rate, three or four times a week.
  • The best results will occur when workouts of varying durations are carried out within this heart rate zone. A weekly program example: Session 1: 30 minutes at 60% intensity, Session 2: 20 minutes at 70% intensity and Session 3: 40 minutes at 55% intensity.

Using HR monitoring for Aerobic Training

  • Aim to work between 70 – 80% of maximum heart rate, three or four times a week.
  • The best results will occur when workouts of medium to long durations are carried out within this heart rate. A weekly program example: Session 1: 30 minutes at 60% intensity, Session 2: 15 minute pyramid (5′-4′-3′-2′-1′ increasing intensity (65%-70%-75%-80%-85%). and Session 3: 3000 meter piece at 75-80% intensity.

Using HR monitoring for Anaerobic Training

  • Aim to include high intensity, short bursts of exercise at 85 – 95% of maximum heart rate.
  • Sprint pieces are short in duration, between 10 seconds and 3 minutes. We do not recommend anaerobic workouts more than 2 times per week. These high intensity efforts should be followed by periods of easier or slower activity, or total rest. A program example: 5 x 2 minutes at 95% intensity with 2 minutes rest (light rowing) between each 2 minute piece.
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The Workout

The workout should be based on the user’s objectives, whatever the objective, make sure that goals are realistic. If set too low, improvements will not be forthcoming. If set too high, undue strain may remove the pleasure which should be associated with exercise.

If the user’s goal is weight reduction then their workouts need to be predominantly aerobic based with the occasional high intensity piece.

There are 4 main rowing workouts:

1) Steady State Rowing – for fat burning and aerobic conditioning

2) Interval Training – for aerobic conditioning and speed improvement

3) Pyramid Training – for aerobic conditioning

4) Platform Training – – for aerobic conditioning particularly for racing

Ensure the user works comfortably within their limits as it is far better to finish an exercise routine feeling worked yet refreshed than thoroughly exhausted and de-motivated.

Ensure everyone listens to their body. If the user feels slightly under the weather, make sure they don’t work out for their usual 30 minutes, but do 15 minutes at a low intensity with a long stretch instead.

Remember that exercise should compliment ones lifestyle, not rule it.

Please read through all sections (tabs) to the left before moving on to the next lesson

Steady State Workouts

  • Continuous rowing at a consistent intensity and stroke rate for a set time or distance.
  • Stroke rates are usually around 20-24 strokes per minute (spm).
  • Speed is dependent on technique, such as stroke length and power application of user.
  • Intensities are kept within 60-70% of the users maximum heart rate.
  • Duration depends on the user’s fitness level and can be based on time or distance.
  • Steady state rowing is particularly good for endurance training and fat burning.

Interval Workouts

  • Interval training involves shorter periods of work at higher intensities followed by periods of “rest”.
  • Work and rest periods can be time, distance or stroke count based.
  • Intensity of work periods can vary between 75-95% depending on fitness level of the user.

Pyramid Workouts

  • Pyramid Training involves a gradual increase in work done followed by a gradual reduction in work done.
  • Pyramid workout durations can be based on time, stroke count or distance.
  • Half Pyramids are popular workouts.

Platform Workouts

  • Platform training is similar to Steady State training but is of a slightly higher intensity (around 75-85% of MHR). This is usually around the user’s lactate threshold.
  • Platform training is usually based on distance; the user records their time to try and better their time each time they repeat the session.
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